About Me
I have been a resident of Sudbury for 44 years. I practiced law for decades, including representing a regional school district. I previously served on the Lincoln-Sudbury School Committee from 1998 to 2010. I also served as chair of the LS Building Committee, responsible for the design and construction of the new high school and for obtaining substantial state funding for that design and construction. The building was completed on time and under budget in 2004.
Subsequent to the construction of the new school, the Building Committee oversaw the design and construction of the new athletic fields and track and field facilities behind the school.
Prior to my service on the Lincoln-Sudbury School Committee I served for seven years on the Sudbury Finance Committee. Subsequent to my service on the LSSC I served for seven years on the Sudbury Council on Aging.
My wife, Barbara, was a teacher at Curtis Middle School for over 20 years. We had two daughters graduate from LS and have two granddaughters now in the Sudbury public schools who will be attending LS.