Why I Am Running
We face times of significant uncertainty regarding federal funding of public education. We face times of significant uncertainty regarding federal regulation of public education and federal regulation of public school students. It is important to remember that not only is direct federal funding at risk, but also indirect funding. When the federal government cuts funding to the states, the states, of necessity, must cut funding to municipalities. And changes emanating from Washington, DC, both financial and policy related, are just some of the critical issues that the Lincoln-Sudbury Regional School District may face in the near and not too distant future.
It will take extensive experience, hands-on hard work and creative collaboration to address these issues. I served for 12 years on the Lincoln-Sudbury School Committee, served as chair of the LS Building Commitee and had two daughters attend and graduate from LS. I have the experience, an extensive history of hard work and creative collaboration and a willingness to work with all interested parties to address these critical issues for the benefit of Lincoln, Sudbury and all current and future LS students, including my two granddaughters.